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Diversity Data

Firms regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) are required to collect, report and publish workforce diversity data.  A diversity questionnaire is given to each individual within a firm for completion, however individuals are not obliged to provide the firm with their diversity data and they may complete the diversity questionnaire selecting the option of “prefer not to say” for one or more of the questions.  The data obtained from individuals is then aggregated and reported to the SRA and the SRA in turn publish the data aggregated across the profession.


As at July , 2023 100% of our workforce completed the diversity data questionnaire.  


The survey data confirms that the Firm is 50/50 split male and female and there is 1 female Director. The members of staff are of varying ages and religious beliefs.  The majority of staff attended State school and 12.5% had one parent who had been to University. 31% of staff have caring responsibilities for family members, 81% of staff consider themselves to be of Christian faith and 87.5% consider themselves to be heterosexual/straight.

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